As with any interior décor there comes a point when it is time for a fresh lick of paint, a new set of curtains and some attractive cushions. Similarly with our website, we felt it was time to give it a fresh new look, introduce some exciting new features and improve the online experience for our customers.
So after a busy few months of designing, building and deciding upon what to feature, we are delighted to have launched the brand new Loveless Cook Blinds website. Features of the new design include:
- Informative: The new website is filled with all the information you and your customers could possibly require. Taking a quick visit to our resources section will give you access to useful links, brochures, specification sheets and much much more!
- Easy to Navigate: With a new responsive design, our website will be as easy to navigate on a mobile phone as it is on your desktop computer. No more zooming in or accidently clicking the wrong link.
- Improved Online Catalogue: With a large selection of the products we stock now featured in one place, it is easier than ever to find what you are looking for in our online catalogue. Alternatively, you can now request a paper copy of our brochure online.
- More Prominent Blog: With many of our latest product launches and special offers announced through our blog, we felt it was important to give it a more prominent position on the website. Be sure to check back regularly for our latest news.
- High Quality Images: When it comes to items such as blinds and curtains, we know it is no use us just describing them to you – you want to see them for yourselves. Our new website is therefore crammed with plenty of fantastic high quality images so you can get a better idea of the ranges we have available.
Overall, what we hope we have achieved is a user-friendly, informative and easy to navigate design, where everything you could possibly need can be found in one place.
If our team can be of any help with regards to our new website, whether it be with ordering through our online catalogue, or setting up an online account, do not hesitate to get in touch. You can call us on 01603 789678, or drop us an email to